Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wacky Wednesday

Still raining and overcast :(  Hasn't stopped us from having fun.

Walked to the marina for breakfast.  2 eggs, hashbrowns (sort of), 2 bacon $17 fiji or $14 US. 

In search of pina colada mix, as drinks were $21 fiji apiece and Carlos's pinas last night were "yucky."  But we still drank them.

Hung out at the pool and hot tub.  Tried to read books while overlooking the ocean... but it was too windy!
Dinner at the golf course club.  It was curry night!  yummy.  The fish and chips weren't very good.  Some kids were catching toads and I (g) had to help! 

Back at the resort we were played Triominos and card game Golf.  Were we also serenaded by a Fijian group that is amazing.  FUN! FUN!  G & L    G was being a science teacher with the kids... in her element for sure!    Too cute!

1 comment:

  1. I know Mom couldn't pass up an opportunity like this. Hahaha kids + toads = teachable moment
