Sunday, August 7, 2011


The weather is sunny, finally.  We were going to go to one island, but their boat broke down.  (Was that an omen?)  So we went on another adventure to Captain Cook's Island, which was an hour boat ride.  This is a small private island just for day excursions.  Beautiful white sandy beaches, which we don't have here at the resort.  They also have snorkeling, which we don't have at the resort. 

Linda had a massage.  Jim and Carlos went scuba diving.  They were hoping to see manta rays but were very disappointed when they didn't see much of anything. I sat on the beach and read my book. (ahhhh).  Had a very yummy BBQ lunch.  Beer and wine were free.

After lunch, Jim, Linda and I went snorkeling. (That is the main island in the background.)  Saw amazing purple seastars, and several different kids of fish.  The water was warm and we had lots of fun.  Next time I will take the camera.

Had leftovers at the condo for dinner.  Eating lots of fruit and fresh veges.

What a fabulous day!

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