Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Diving, Golfing, Drinking and Men in Skirts!

Another day in paradise led Carlos and Georgi to take off on their own for a two tank SCUBA diving day, while Linda and I headed off to test our golfing skills south of the equator.

The golf course was on the ocean and between the runways...the head pro and owner also was our taxi driver to and from the course, and the round included a lunch stop at his wife's restaurant...very tasty.

We proved that a slice still slices, a hook still hooks, and a crappy shot is still a crappy shot, even if you are past the date line and south of the equator...some things are constant!  We did get to see a yellow frog on the course, and some really skinny dogs...no birdies.  After returning to the castle we rejoined C & G for cocktails, and a festive gathering of guests where I got to represent the US in coconut bowling...right down my alley!

I lost the overall match, but did get to wear a sulu (colorful Fijian man-skirt) and let the boys roam free.  After that it was more adult beverages...and we made it through episode 3 (well, at least Carlos and I made it) of the critically acclaimed series, Entourage.  Carlos is up now for his day highlites.

Not much more to relate than what Jim said, but Georgi and I really enjoyed Fiji dives three and four together.

There were so many beautiful fish, it was like being in one gigantic salt-water fish tank.


  1. I see the puns remain constant south of the equator as well! (and Dad's perfect grammar, too!)

  2. Puns run wild! Sometimes the Fijians don't get them!
