Friday, August 12, 2011

LAST day... going home :(


Well, this was our last day.
Started out rainy and 3 out of 4 tummies were unhappy. 

Spent time at in lounge chairs overlooking the ocean and our beach.  Played Triominos one more time (Linda is the reigning champion!)

The girls are starting to pack.  The guys are playing pool volleyball to blow off some steam before boarding the plane.  Meeting the taxi driver (Anoop) at 7:30 pm.

Plane exits FIJI 10:00 pm, Saturday and arrives at LAX 1:20 pm, Saturday (this is a 10hr 20 minute flight.)

Then we go our separate ways... LindaJim to Tahoe and GeorgiCarlos to Walla Walla.  Carlos and I have much better connections going home (no 10 hour layovers!  YIEEE!) We will get to Walla Walla, via Seattle, at 8:50 pm. LindaJim will get to Reno about 9:00ish.

We have had a great time!  Thanks to everyone!
We love you and miss you!
g (c, l & j)

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