Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday's Adventures

What a fantastic day.   We hired our own driver to take us to explore the island as the Fijian's see it.  
The "hump" in the road coming up.....

Our driver "Anoop" getting us sugar cane to taste....

We explored gardens, saw the "sleeping giant".
Fijian Orchid

Entrance to the Sleeping Giant Gardens
The Sleeping Giant Mtn Range

We got a tour of Fiji"s believed to be first village. 

Village woman and baby

Village woman preparing fish for a meal

The current "Chief's" residence
Village People

We stopped at to by fruit, veggies, fish and meat as the locals do.... quite different than our farmer's markets in the US.   

Fish in the market place!

We are truly having a wonderful experience here in Fiji!!!

Thanks for stopping by!   L

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