Sunday, August 7, 2011


Went into the town of Nadi, which is about a 20 minute bus ride.  The roads are horrible, so it takes longer than you would think to go anywhere by car or bus.

Went to the Sri Siva Subrahmaniya Swami Temple.  "It is the largest and finest temple in the South Pacific," or so the tour book says.  It was beautiful.  But it was built only 17 years ago.  Started with a small temple with donations from a group in the San Francisco Bay area.

Went back into Nadi to buy postcard stamps, bought postcards, went to the market to by fruit (more pineapple for Georgi), and ate lunch at a tiny Indian restaurant.  (Yummy, but spicy!)  The main street in Nadi is only 2 lanes.  Pedestrians have no rights at all.

Then more pool time. 
Rented a movie for $7.50 at the check in desk.  YIKES!

... thinking of all of you!  g

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