Friday, August 12, 2011

Our voyage to Mala Mala Island


We packed up our hats, swim attire, towels and snorkeling gear to explore yet another island of Fiji.... Mala Mala.  We also filled a water bottle with the remaining vodka to add our own libations to the juices offered on the island...  Georgi was taking her vitamins and indulged with a huge drink of the NOT WATER (water bottle) to her surprise... she just started early.   I think she really wanted a jump on the day's activities of fun.   LOL  LOL

Before departing we stopped at Cardo's for another fine breakfast.   Such a great place to enjoy the break of day with a blue sky and calm waters right in the bay.... it's going to be a beautiful day!   Fun in the sun!!!

As we boarded the boat, we chose to sit on the top deck for a bit of sun bathing.... not that we weren't going to get enough during the day.....  but none the less we were so excited to see the sun it didn't matter!!!

During our boat ride we saw flying fish... how cool is that.  No photo opportunities to share as they travel way to fast!   It took 40 minutes to arrive at our final destination.

Wow the island is so beautiful from afar, can't wait to start our explorations.   The island is a total of 7 acres of pristine island wilderness set on top of 100 acres of coral reef teaming with exotic marine life below.

As we land we are taken by a smaller boat to the island.  There is more coral on the beach than anticipated and we are glad that we were wearing shoes to get to the white "sandy" beach....  Everyone marked their spots and got ready for the daily activities which included...  snorkeling, lunch, drinking, massages, fishing, hiking (a total time of 10 minutes to get around the whole island), volleyball, and a Kava ceremony.   We suited up for the first snorkeling adventure... we boarded a boat and they took us out past the reef to enter the water.....

The snorkeling was the best to date with many different fish and coral.    What a great experience! 

We enjoyed BBQ lunch, offering fish and chicken with a variety of fruits and vegetables.   Then we took a stroll around the island and then chose to snorkel from the back side of the island to the front area where a capsized boat sat.    It had gotten windy and the waves were a challenge to overcome during this venture.  It was still a beautiful experience. 

Kelly did some basket weaving... how amazing!

It's time to board the boat and get back to the real world in Fiji... and these 6 hours went by soooo fast!  Singing with the crew and enjoying juice and libations we are getting ready for another enjoyable time with our finest of friends.....

Once back to the Marina we headed back to the room for our homemade chicken dinner with oriental spices from the local restaurant, baked potatoes and carrots, everything tastes just a bit different than our pallets are used to.   We ended the night with Pina Coladas and Tri-Ominos and Linda won again... hehehehe.
Thanks for stopping by....L

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